resources and guidelines

Please note, this section is being updated

We are currently in the process of updating these files to better represent the station and community, some information may be inaccurate, please contact us if any questions.

Find all Hawkesbury Radio’s guidelines for operation and operational policies

Click on the requested resource to download the attached file.

0: Community Participation
1: Who’s Who at Hawkesbury Radio
2: Structure of Committee
3: Code of Conduct Members and Volunteers
4: Principles of Volunteering
5: Rights of Volunteers Policy
6: Responsibilities of Volunteers
7: Music Content Policy
8: Membership Policy
9: Members Privacy Policy
10: Mental Health Policy
11: News
12: Abusive Behaviour
13: Working With Children Policy
14: Complaints Policy
15: Complaints from the Public
16: Grievance Policy
17: Disciplinary Action Policy
18: Dispute Resolution Policy
19: Complaint Handling Policy
20: Announcers Guidelines, Policies and Procedures
21: Code of Practice
22: Copyright
23: Defamation
24: Indigenous Policy
25: Ethnic Programs Policy
26: Corona Virus Precautions Policy
27: Infection Control Policy
28: Unauthorized Persons Policy
29: Technical
30: Community Noticeboard
31: Community Announcements
32: Sponsorship and Advertising Policy
33: Sponsorship Policy
34: Sponsorship Announcements
35: Sponsorship
36: Interview Policy
37: On Air Procedures
38: On Air Policy
39: Miscellaneous
40: Outside Broadcast Policy
41: Responsibilities of the radio station
42: Program Sub Committee
43: Sub Committees
44: The Role of the Association President
45: The Role of the Public Officer
46: The Role of the Secretary
47: The role of the Treasurer
48: Announcers’ Guidelines
49: Terms of reference
50: Membership Application Final (2023)
51: Membership Application Volunteer & Jnr
52: Constitution July 2018 (Final)
53: Complaint Form
54: Parent or Guardian Consent Form
55: Incident Report
